How to Dye Golf Balls

Most of us have probably seen those colorful golf balls that seem to be popping up everywhere. Wondering what the big deal is?

These are dyed golf balls, and they can provide some unique benefits on the course. It’s easier than you think to dye golf balls using everyday items from around your house.

We’ll show you how to dye golf balls using food colors in this post. So, whether you’re looking for a new way to stand out on the green

or just want some personalized golf balls for a special occasion, keep reading for instructions on how to dye golf balls at home.

How to Dye Golf Balls: A Complete Guide

How to Dye Golf Balls
Golf Ball

1. What Do I Need to Dye Golf Balls?

Dyeing a golf cart is not as hard and time-consuming an undertaking that many people may think. To complete the project successfully, you’ll need:

  • Golf Balls (White)
  • Synthetic dye
  • 2-cup containers
  • Slotted spoon
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Metal spoon (large)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Measuring cup
  • Paper towels
  • Table covers (plastic)

2. Dye Preparation

You’ll need to measure out your dye and water to get the perfect color.

Use a 3-cup container for 2 cups boiling hot and not too cold water with one teaspoon of dye in it before adding any other ingredients like food coloring or liquid glutton if desired.

You’ll need to experiment with how much dye is used for a good result. Darker shades call for more, while lighter colors can be achieved with less.

To check if your mix has been successful and achieve an even shade throughout all ball lumps in each batch –

try using a slotted spoon when lifting them out after loading onto shelves so that any excess liquid won’t spill over onto other balls on top or below.

Read: How much should I spend on golf balls?

How to Dye Golf Balls
Golf Ball and clubs

Dying Golf Balls with Food Colors

You can either use food coloring or paint to color a golf ball. The former process takes less time than painting but still keeps up with

the original look of your game piece; if experimenting is what gets you excited, check out this interesting way to dye balls.

1. Prepare

To get the best results when using this technique, you need to use a golf ball. Legal balls include any type of fair-way driver or hybrid club in good condition with no signs from previous hits.

You can also use an illegal or low compression game-ready golf ball, practice puck, and used ones too.

The kitchen is a great place to work because it has plenty of space and all the equipment needed. You might also want to bring a newspaper or plastic wrap to help you clean with ease.

To get the most vibrant colors, it is important to boil your water. The amount of boiled liquid you need will depend on how many golf balls

are being dyed at one time and what color they want them painted with. For instance, white or green require less heat than other shades do.

Read: How long do biodegradable golf balls take to decompose?

How to Dye Golf Balls
Golf Ball

2. Organize the Color

Make sure you have a wide range of containers, and each container you use for this activity should have a good depth.

Once all is set, you should divide the water into the buckets keeping in mind that your golf balls need to be fully submerged in the containers.

Place the food coloring in a cup after a good shake and pour it directly onto your boiling water. Stir well to make sure all of those colors mix.

With the desired color tone in mind, add more or fewer dyes to achieve that perfect shade. For dark colors,

you’ll need a lot of different hues and vice versa; if it’s something lighter, search online for mixing ratios before starting to avoid any surprises.

You can use this technique to adjust the brightness of your color: Soak a paper towel in the bucket and keenly observe it.

If it’s too heavy, you’ll need to add water but be careful not to overdo it because too much water will create an uneven mess. You can add more dye to your desired level if it’s light.

3. Dyeing

Now that you have the perfect color, it’s time to put your golf ball in. Dye with dark colors can take 4-5 minutes, but light shades may require 15-20 minutes.

You have just colored your favorite golf ball. Now it’s time to take it out and wash the colors off with soap under warm water.

Dry before storing away in an appropriate container for continued use on courses around town or countrywide.

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How to Dye Golf Balls
Golf Ball

Frequently Asked Questions about Dyeing Golf Balls

Does Dying Golf Balls Affect Performance?

Golf balls are designed to maintain their performance characteristics when they’re in play, but exposure to heat and water can lead the polymer core of your ball to degrade quickly. This is because urethane covers don’t protect them from outside elements like this; it’s best if you just leave yourself with an original ball rather than trying any DIY remediation techniques.

How Do You Set RIT Dye Used for Dyeing Golf Balls?

The best way to set your fabric, so it takes on all those vibrant colors is with a little help from microwaves. Just wrap up any pieces you want to be dyed, seal them tightly away from moisture and other dyes, then pop them into an oven-safe dish that has been ceramic coated. Microwave for 1 minute or less depending upon how much power they’re using; this will cause plastic wrapping paper pores to expand, creating a chamber hot enough to hasten the bonding of the dye and the balls.

So, now you know how to dye golf balls and what you need to do it. As long as you have the proper supplies and follow these simple steps, your golf balls will be looking good as new in no time.

Remember that the key to a successful dye job is all in the preparation, so make sure to take your time and get everything ready before beginning.

We hope this post has helped you internalize the process of dyeing your golf balls without too much hassle.

Read: What are biodegradable golf balls made of


Last Updated on July 13, 2024 by Tom Fiore

Lauren Bradshaw - Golfer
+ posts

Hey ! I'm Lauren. I have represented my country on an international level in Golf. I am an experienced Golf Player and an author for all women guides/tips for Golf. I love guiding women in their Golf Journey and I hope you like the information I provide !

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