How to Store Golf Balls

How to Store Golf Balls

Golfers know that a good game of golf starts with having the right equipment. This means having a quality set of golf clubs and plenty of golf balls. But what do you do when you’ve used all your golf balls during your game? Do you have to go back to the pro shop and buy … Read more

How to Dye Golf Balls

How to Dye Golf Balls

Most of us have probably seen those colorful golf balls that seem to be popping up everywhere. Wondering what the big deal is? These are dyed golf balls, and they can provide some unique benefits on the course. It’s easier than you think to dye golf balls using everyday items from around your house. We’ll … Read more

Why Are Golf Balls So Expensive?

Why Are Golf Balls So Expensive?

At a mere first glance, it doesn’t seem like golf balls have seen much of a revolution like the game itself. But a closer examination shows that golf balls have had tons of innovative upgrades over the last couple of years, making them more suitable for beginners and pro golfers who want to take their … Read more

Biodegradable Golf Balls for Land

Biodegradable Golf Balls for Land

Hitting a golf ball and watching it fly too high from where you stand can be fun. Unfortunately, traditional golf balls are far more dangerous to the environment than we’re ever willing to admit. They are toxic to land and marine life and can as easily contribute to the ecological imbalance that’s already a global … Read more

Best Golf Balls for Slicers

Best Golf Balls for Slicers

Are you looking for the best golf balls for slicers but have no idea which option to pick because there are far too many options on the table? This guide is for you. We’ve examined at least half a dozen balls to determine whether they’re good for golfers who slice. Then we’ve put together a … Read more

Golf Balls That Dissolve In Water

Golf Balls That Dissolve In Water

Traditional plastic golf balls are good, but they’re not the most eco-friendly options you’ll ever lay your hands on. When they end up in the ocean, or any water body in the golf course, they can take years to break down and dissolve. So while they’re good for your next golf game, they are far … Read more

5+ Best Golf Balls for High Swing Speed in 2021

Notwithstanding any golfers golf skills, one should definably pick a suitable golf ball for themselves. Good quality golf balls upgrade your game’s potential as opposed to restricting it. Continuously search for a golf ball that improves your game, regardless of whether you have a high swing speed or a low one is imperative. High swing … Read more